Tuesday, August 24, 2010


MMMMMM......the sweet goodness of Chick-fil-A.  A fried chicken breast on a buttered bun with exactly 2 pickles! Yummy goodness in the tummy! Do not forget the goodness of BBQ sauce to dip that amazing sandwhich in!

Can you tell what we ate for dinner tonight? Betcha can't.  We haven't been out to eat in so long that honestly I was surprised to find, that I really do LOVE Chick-fil-A.  I love it like sweet tea on a warm summer's day.  And that's a whole lot. 

Kids love it too, because they make AMAZING chicken nuggets that can be dipped, that are not too crunchy and get this, do not come all in the same shape.  Yeah, folks, it's real chicken. 

We had to leave Chick-fil-A though.  Our food was eaten and the kids had played for a good twenty minutes! There were a ton of people there and mostly, we earned Jules points for her class to get a party catered by Chick-fil-A.

The kids were happy, it was one more thing to add to our list of fun and adventures. 

Anyway, we came home and coke Popsicles, yum, can't wait to try those out tomorrow.  The idea is that will taste similar to the Coke slushie you can get at McDonalds or Target.  But this Coke came out the bottle, so I am not completely sure my plan is full proof!

We shall see though. 

Pics of the Coke Popsicles to come tomorrow!

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