Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another Day......spent cleaning house

Ben in my boots!
This picture is what Ben was up to while I was cooking breakfast, which sparked another round of "pick up your toys!"

Sometimes, I feel like all I do is clean house and say "pick up your toys." 
To which I usually hear, "It's too hard mommy.  I need help."

Yes, that's normally how the conversion goes and somehow I end up picking up 90% of the toys while he ends up picking up the remaining 10%.

So yesterday, I decided to use his upcoming birthday and Christmas to my advantage.  We cleaned out toys.  We made four piles.  One to keep, one to put in storage, one to donate and one for trash.  I can say, we no longer own any McDonald's toys and I am so excited about it! I hate McDonald's toys with a passion.  Why you ask?  Because children should not get toys for eating, eating is a need in life, not a reward situation.  And because I step on at least 1 McDonald's toy a day.  Which always leaves me looking for the trash can.

He decided to give away a hand full of toys, and put a handful in storage.  But his room looks so much better now.  There are still toys that were put away that he has not earned back yet, but we are getting there.  In the meantime, he is no longer allowed to yell at me that he cannot clean up his toys on his own.  Because if he can make the mess, then he can certainly find the time to clean it up. 

I do love organization and getting things out of my house! It makes it feel cleaner and my days lighter!

In the meantime, Derrick brought home dinner and it was my fave, chinese food! So, now I have left overs to eat tonight for dinner!! HOORAY!! And Ben and Derrick went to the store, they ended up bringing home a another new fish, and of course, tons of grocery items. 

Laundry that was getting out of control has been done and I am slowly getting through the rest of the house.  I am much happier with so much out of the house.  I need to post more stuff on Ebay to sell because I want to go on vacation with Ben, which means, I need to save up money! Ebay, here we come. 

Also, homework is out of control but I am that much closer to having my degree and getting done with nonsense called college.  Woo! 54 more credits til I am done, I can't believe I am over half way done. It feels so good! So back to homework I get now.  I am so sick of writing papers and such but it never ends. 

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